
第19章 非常绑匪




nbsp; “Are you awake?(你醒了?)”男子道。

    “who are you? why did you arrest me?(你是谁?为什么要抓我?)”因为少女被捆绑着,目光所到之处有限,所以她并未看到那名说话的男子。

    “call your husband and let him e alone. I want to see him!(给你老公打电话,让他单独过来,我要见他!)”男子道。

    “我老公?”被对方这么一说,竟把少女给说懵了。“what husband?(什么老公?)”少女一脸茫然地道。

    “Although I caught you, I didn't hit you. why are you out of your mind? You just finished your wedding with your husband two days ago, so soon you don't remember!(虽然我抓了你,可并没有打你,怎么你脑子坏掉了吗?前两天你才刚刚跟你老公举行完婚礼,这么快就不记得了!)”男子笑道。


    “did you confuse me?(是不是你把我迷昏的?)”少女厉声道。

    “No, don't get me wrong. You were already unconscious when I went!(不,你别误会,我去的时候你就已经昏了!)”男子道。

    “what the hell are you trying to do with me?(你抓我来到底想干什么?)”少女道。

    “In fact, I have no hatred with you. I'm looking for your husband!(其实我跟你无怨无仇,我要找的是你老公!)”男子道。

    “Are you looking for Luo Jiajun?(你找骆家骏?)”少女道。

    “Is he the general manager of Shine pany?(请问他是不是Shine公司的总经理?)”男子问道。

    “you 're right!(没错!)”少女回道。

    “that's right!(那就对了!)”男子道。

    “what do you want from him?(你找他干什么?)”少女道。

    “It seems that you don't know anything. No wonder you just married him!(看来你是什么都不知道,也难怪,你才刚刚嫁给他嘛!)”男子道。

    “what on earth did he do?(他究竟做了什么?)”少女问道。

    “well, you'd better ask him personally when he es!(这个嘛,你还是等他来了亲自问他比较好!)”男子道。

    “why, do you want to keep secret from me?(怎么,对我你还要保密吗?)”少女道。

    “No, I just don't want to speak ill of your husband in your face. After all, you have just got married. I don't want to cause a disagreement between your husband and wife because of me!(不,我只是不想守着你的面说你老公的坏话,毕竟你们才刚刚结婚,我不想因为我而导致你们夫妻关系不和!)”男子道。

    “It seems that you are not bad!(看来,你人并不坏!)”少女道。

    “when I tied you up, you said I was good. Is your brain broken or am I crazy?(把你绑了,你还说我好,是你的脑子坏了还是我疯了?)”男子不解地道。

    “I'm not crazy, and you're not crazy!(我脑子没坏,你也没疯!)”少女回道。

    “then why do you just talk nonsense? there is no reason to be tied up and say that the other side is good!(那你怎么光说胡话?天底下哪有被人绑了还说对方好的道理!)”男子道。

    “do you know? I don't love him!(你知不知道?我并不爱他!)”少女道。

    “why do you marry him if you don't love him?(不爱你为什么嫁给他?)”男子道。

    “I have to suffer!(我有不得已的苦衷!)”少女道。

    “It seems that I tied the wrong person!(看来是我绑错了人!)”男子吃惊地道。说到这里,男子走近床边,解开了少女身上的麻绳道:“You can leave now.(你走吧!)”



    “will you let me go?(你肯放我走?)”少女吃惊地道。

    “Yes, I've already said, you can go!(没错,我已经说过了,你可以走了!)”男子道。

    “Aren't you afraid that I will go to the police and arrest you?(你就不怕我出去报警抓你吗?)”少女道。

    “Not afraid, even if you report, they can't catch me!(不怕,就算你报了他们也抓不到我的!)”男子道。

    “why did you let me go?(你为什么要放了我?)”少女道。

    “because you are different from him, you are a good man!(因为你和他不一样,你是个好人!)”男子道。

    “what on earth did he do?(他究竟做了什么坏事?)”少女继续问道。

    “he robbed someone else's pany and killed the family of the original owner of the pany!(他抢了别人的公司,还杀了公司原来主人的家人!)”男子冷冷地道。

    听对方提到Shine公司,少女愣了一会儿又继续问道:“who was the original owner of the pany?(那公司原来的主人是谁?)”

    “his name is punier. he is a Russian!(他叫普尼尔,是个俄罗斯人!)”男子回答道。


